Website Ideas
CoCreate A Website is for just about any kind of person, and any kind of basic website use! Here are some ideas and suggestions:
- Job Seekers & Contract Workers – to provide prospective employers with an online resume, including your resume, articles you've written, references, and more!
- Coaches & Consultants – to sell your services to new prospects, and to offer additional services and support to existing clients!
- "Your Name" – because everyone needs a site with their own name – to use for everything from helping someone find you, as an online resume, a photo gallery, a showcase of your thoughts and accomplishments, and more! The ideas are endless!
- Authors – to help you market, sell and blog about your book. You can even create an e-book or serialize your book into blogs!
- Entrepreneurs – to start marketing your product or business – right away!
- Engaged and Married Couples – to provide a site to share your pictures, provide updates on wedding/anniversary plans, etc.
- Party and Family Reunion Planners – to share information on your events.
- Bloggers – to share your ideas and keep your name out there!
- Fans – are you a fan of a movie, TV show, website, product, sports team, school, company, video – or anything else? By CoCreating a Website you can share your insights.
- Athletes – share your stats, accomplishments, goals and progress with friends, family and even potential coaches!
- Students – your website can be used to help you apply to colleges, get a job, start a business – anything you can think of!
- Singles – share information about yourself to help connect with other like-minded people!